儘管我不會通過說“到達X系統”來減少偶爾(甚至是經常)的滑倒,但是您經常會聽到的是“ 正在接近 X系統”。也就是說,該公告考慮的是他們離目的地足夠遠,因此無關緊要。
為什麼他們會提前宣布而不是僅僅宣布呢?考慮另一個類似的悖論: Enterprise 正在追捕另一艘處於高翹曲狀態的船隻,當舵手說:“船長,他們退出翹曲狀態!”機長然後說:“把我們從中尉帶出來。”在傳達條件並下達命令的時候, Enterprise 應該離他們追求的船不遠。
為了調和這一點,重要的是要了解創建和銷毀扭曲場不是瞬時的:通常在情節中被掩蓋,但是在星際迷航:電影的開始階段就被說明具有戲劇性的效果,在此階段,橋樑人員花費了5-10分鐘在進行重大改裝後將 Enterprise 提升到Warp 1時會感到焦慮。
不幸的是,《星際迷航》是科幻小說中的莎士比亞劇院設置。因此,與許多優秀的 hard 科幻小說(作者實際上對此稍加思考)不同,它並沒有在科學上正確地獲取許多細節(包括其中一個細節),因為作者意識到這是一個問題,並切換到更合適的機長預選參數(例如,距系統多近以退出超速狀態),機組人員將參數輸入系統,系統在預編程點退出超速代碼>。
The comparison to a naval "look and feel" is quite apt. It's partly a question of aesthetic preference that overrides the science.
But consider. Even in modern naval maneuvers, and especially in naval (or really any) aviation where timing is much tighter, there is not always time to actually process decisions in the way that the formal chain of command would theoretically imply.
Often in these real-world cases what will happen is that everyone already knows in advance what needs to be done and the crew is already effectively executing the command as, or even before, the captain issues it.
Even a routine trip from one planet to another probably involves an enormously complex flight plan (or "warp plan") that is meticulously worked out in exhaustive detail long before the ship makes planetfall. If the ship is on course and cruising according to plan, the captain may be formally informed of their impending arrival long after the preliminaries of the de-warp procedure have already begun.
Presumably the captain knows this already and is perfectly aware of how the journey has been progressing. Everyone is sitting there calmly as the captain almost off-handedly gives the (formal) order because no one is in the slightest bit surprised, and indeed as far as the below-deck crew is concerned the maneuver may already be in progress by the time they actually hear him sign off on it.
This is one reason, incidentally, why quality of crew training and the fine line between discipline and initiative are so important. You want combat officers who know that if you are following a pursuit plan and the target starts coming out of warp, that you should start coming out of warp too, even if the order hasn't technically been confirmed yet from the captain's chair.
它可以有一個非常簡單的解釋-扭曲驅動通過將船置於時空泡泡中來工作,該時空泡泡可能會在FTL滑過正常空間,但不一定必須。換句話說,翹曲和衝動都將使用時空折疊,而脫離翹曲僅意味著從更快的驅動器切換到更具機動性的驅動器。在某些提及中,有一些理由認為衝動也可能是FTL,這是合理的,因為接近c的常規飛行也很成問題-能量是如此之大,以至於碰到鹽粒會輕易毀壞船。 p>